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Selfcare is important and cracked heels can be prevented or at lease minimised. An emollient heel balm containing Urea like Kroko Heel Balm can be used to prevent as well as treat cracked heels. Emollient creams penetrate the skin and reduce water loss filling the gaps in the skin which makes skin feel smooth, soft, and flexible. Alternately, a cracked heel treatment like HeelFix can be painted over the cracks to hygienically seal them and allow healing.
Kroko Heel Balm gently softens and hydrates rough, dry and cracked heels (and elbows) leaving skin smooth and soft.

Directions for use

  1. Soften the heels by bathing in hot water to remove flaking skin. If there is very thick callused skin on the heel buff this with soap and a pumice stone to remove excess dry skin. Note try to keep baths and shower to 5 minutes to prevent skin drying out.
  2. Dry feet thoroughly.
  3. Rub Kroko heel balm into heels thoroughly morning and evening.
  4. For even better results, after applying cream in the evening cover with socks while sleeping to lock in the moisture.

Kroko HeelFix is a clear liquid plaster which can be painted over skin fissures to help them heal, preventing them drying out further. HeelFix creates a hygienic, flexible, moisture and dustproof barrier which allows natural healing to take place. Do not use on open wounds which are infected or inflamed, or cracks that are bleeding.

Directions for use

  1. Clean the feet well and dry thoroughly.
  2. Apply a thin layer of HeelFix to cover the heels.
  3. To renew dressing, apply more HeelFix to the old dressing which will soften and can be gently wiped off using a clean dry swab. Renew dressing as needed until healing is complete.

In severe cases where heels become inflamed or the cracks become infected, speak to your doctor as severely dry, cracked heels may be a sign of an underlying health condition like neuropathy or diabetes.

KROKO ® is a registered trade mark of Kroko Health Care (Pty) Ltd
Copyright 2020 Kroko Health Care (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved.

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